The Architect’s Guide: A Modern Datalake Reference Architecture

The Architect’s Guide: A Modern Datalake Reference Architecture

An abbreviated version of this post appeared on The New Stack on March 26th, 2024. Businesses aiming to maximize their data assets are adopting scalable, flexible, and unified data storage and analytics approaches. This trend is driven by enterprise architects tasked with crafting infrastructures that align with evolving business demands. A Modern Datalake architecture addresses this need by integrating the


Architect’s Guide to a Reference Architecture for an AI/ML Datalake

Architect’s Guide to a Reference Architecture for an AI/ML Datalake

An abbreviated version of this post appeared on The New Stack on March 19th, 2024. In enterprise artificial intelligence, there are two main types of models: discriminative and generative. Discriminative models are used to classify or predict data, while generative models are used to create new data. Even though Generative AI has dominated the news of late, organizations are still


A Single Pane of Glass - The Enterprise Global Console

A Single Pane of Glass - The Enterprise Global Console

The world changed for MinIO when we introduced the Console to our customers and community nearly three years ago. It was a massive leap forward in accessibility. The trusty CLI and MC commands quickly gave way to the speed and intuitive usability of our new browser-based GUI. It was a game changer for developers and enterprise IT admins. With just


MinIO Enterprise Cache: A Distributed DRAM Cache for Ultra-Performance

MinIO Enterprise Cache: A Distributed DRAM Cache for Ultra-Performance

As the computing world has evolved and the price of DRAM has plummeted, we find that server configurations often come with 500GB or more of DRAM. When you are dealing with larger deployments, even those with ultra-dense NVMe drives, the number of servers multiplied by the DRAM on those servers can quickly add up – often to several TBs. That DRAM


Solving Scale in Security: the MinIO Enterprise Object Store Key Management Server

Solving Scale in Security: the MinIO Enterprise Object Store Key Management Server

In the realm of robust and dependable storage solutions, MinIO stands out as a persistence layer, offering organizations secure, durable, and scalable storage options. Often entrusted with mission-critical data, MinIO plays a crucial role in ensuring high availability, sometimes on a global scale. The nature of the stored data, ranging from financial and healthcare records to intricate product details and


The Story of DirectPV

The Story of DirectPV

In 2020, MinIO implemented Direct Persistent Volumes (DirectPV) for Kubernetes-based deployments of MinIO Storage. DirectPV is similar to LocalPV but dynamically provisioned. In this post, I will describe the interesting design decisions that went into creating DirectPV. But before diving into the design details, let’s start with a quick review of Direct Persistent Volumes vs. Network Persistent Volumes. What